I don't know why but this is really the place where I can just post my thoughts. It's weird. I don't know why but I can't really do that over in livejournal. Sigh. Urgh.
I don't know why but I'd like to see Micah/Someonewhoisn'tMolly. Like maybe Micah/Lyle. Or Micah/Simon. Or Micah/Monty. Yeah, I know, slash but I'm getting a little sick of Mocah-oh-it's-so-cute-and-sweet and urgh. Please, gag me.
I sort of want to write the Alex/Monica and Sandra/Janice chapters of the Unsure fic.
Maybe I'll do that tomorrow. Hmm. I have time between classes, I guess.
I have this new idea for an ongoing fic (which means it will probably never be written) where Claire wakes up in a desert, naked. Then it goes to three days ago, when Peter comes to her and tells her that Sylar disappeared right in front of him. Alex rings her and tells her the same thing happened to Monica (yes, Alex/Monica might be a new favourite het pairing of mine). While she's on the phone however, Peter disappears. Okay, so it's a little like the Rapture, I believe it's called, but not. They've actually been transported to other dimensions.
-Sylar has become Lex Luthor, although he's called Gabriel Gray (funny how both their fathers were played by the same actor)
-Peter becomes Clark Kent, except he's called Peter Petrelli still, Arthur resembles Jonathan Kent, Angela resembles Martha
-They meet up and continue their relationship; however to everyone else it's quite scandalous. Elle (aka Lana) is shocked, and a little miffed that they're not fighting over her anymore
-Claire is John Shepard (Lt. Colonel Bennet), trapped on an unknown planet, she has to find the nearest stargate and transport home. Elle is Elizabeth Weir. Gretchen might very well be Dr. McKay (Dr. Burg).
-Alex is Angel, with Noah as Doyle and Tracy as Cordelia; together they make Angel Investigations.
-Monica, I don't know. Tough one.
I also want to actually write my Peter's Disappearances/Lyle's League of Superheroes/Peter Knows That Nathan Isn't Nathan fic. This new volume has given me so much ammunition. Peter's avoidance of his brother, despite the declaration of love at the end of the last volume; his easy acceptance of the sudden influx of powers to flying Nathan; the pause before he answered Samuel's question about whether he'd ever lost a brother. Yeah, okay, not much. But they spoke volumes.
New pairings I find sorta intriguing:
Samson/Arthur - I know, I was shocked too, but I like it as a sort of past-relationship, and also an explanation towards why they turned out the way they did
Alex/Monica - I thank James' like of the guy who plays Alex for this pairing. It would never have occurred to me otherwise. But now that it has, I see a lot of potential
Alex/Monica - I thank James' like of the guy who plays Alex for this pairing. It would never have occurred to me otherwise. But now that it has, I see a lot of potential
Sandra/Janice - the wives, the powerless wives, oh what they'd get up to while their husbands were off doing who-knows-what. Sweet, really, I'd like to see it
I don't know why but I'd like to see Micah/Someonewhoisn'tMolly. Like maybe Micah/Lyle. Or Micah/Simon. Or Micah/Monty. Yeah, I know, slash but I'm getting a little sick of Mocah-oh-it's-so-cute-and-sweet and urgh. Please, gag me.
Also, I've never been a big fan, but this volume is giving me definite Peter/Noah fics. And yet I see no influx of them at the heroes_slash community over in LJ, just more Sylar/Mohinder (bleh, please get over it) and Peter/Nathan (now even I'm getting sick of these, and I really get this way).
Hmm, I've noticed a pattern. Sylar/Mohinder is the most popular Sylar pairing. Peter/Nathan is the most popular Peter pairing, with Peter/Claude being the second most favourite (probably these shippers are the ones who don't like incest). It's kinda weird.
I've also noticed that a lot of Peter fics are from the point of view of Nathan, especially when there are Peter/OCs (other characters). It's kinda annoying. I mean, I have nothing against Nathan, I actually really like him, but he's starting to become like Claire used to be. Mooching into my pairings and all. Although I have to say I prefer any Nathan pairing to Sylar/Claire or Peter/Claire (I do not see the appeal).
I wish I could write a really dark, twisted Peter/Sylar fic that completely gets their characters, takes into account all the canon, deals with the sexuality of the characters, and is completely fucked up. And yet, I know I will never write one like it. Because I'm a fan of the happy ending, and dark, twisted, fucked up fics usually don't end with a less cheesy version of "happily ever after." Sigh.
Well, I think I've discussed everything that's been bugging me. It's strange how none of my other favourite shows ever get this reaction off me. Urgh.
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