Thursday, December 24, 2009


Hey. What's up. The sky, I know. Different. Using it's guns and bitches and hos. Bit of those too...well, maybe not the guns. Or the bitches. Or the hos. So the sky pretty much covers it. Should I continue? No, I thought not.

Subject change!

Villains, a quick question. Do you like being villains? Does it make you happy? Is it fun? If you hav answered yes to both those questions, good for you! One day you will be stalking your prey, quiet like, when out of nowhere something will hit you over and the head and you will go bye-bye, because not all prey is stupid. Well, not all of them anyway. It might take awhile for this to happen, btw.


Anywho. So, Heroes. Um, awesome fight between Peter and Sylar. They totally got a "I'm checking you out" look in there, when Sylar was a woman (what, I never thought I'd say that). Other than that, not much. Sidestepped into Samuel/Claire land when they were talking for a bit there. Also, no offense, but Eli was awesome. Noah and Lauren go hid in the bathroom, he looks around and obviously sees the file box, actually thinks, and by the time Noah and Lauren come out of the bathroom, the file box and Eli have gone. Two Places At Once Dude. Heh. Lydia has also grown on me. She was a bit meh at the beginning, but now? Totally awesome, totally understand.

Watched the first season of Supernatural. Sister: They're adorable [sigh] If only they weren't brothers.
All of us who watched it: DEAN IS AWESOME.
Yes, we are all big Dean fans in this household.

Two fics ideas came upon me. One. You know that Buffy episode, Something Blue, when Willow makes Giles blind, Buffy and Spike want to get married and Xander a demon magnet? I want write a fic like that.
Mohinder: There are no such things as demons!
[fireballs smash into wall beside him]
Matt: Try telling him that!
Heh. Noah will be blind, and Peter and Sylar will most likely be the ones wanting to get married. I think Claire might be the grieving one. Hmm.

Two. A dream. Peter and Gabriel [who is blind, due to a curse laid on him - he can only sees ghosts, nothing else] are ghosthunters. They are hired by this family whose house is haunted. A younger thinner version of Santa Claus, with blonde hair appears when they first enter the house. Stuff happens, yeah. Lovely. Must write.

Hmm. Anything else? Not much. Toodles. Oh, and a Merry Christmas to you all!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Best Laid Plans

Okay, I had everything I was going to do after dinner (hot dog, chips)...and then I checked my email. I SHOULD NEVER DO THAT. It is very distracting.

Anyway. I was going to watch Flash Forward and then reading my friend's Kink Big Bang. Still haven't got around to that and it's due Sunday. Eek. And I'm leaving this apartment TOMORROW MORNING. That is, leaving the place of fast internets to go the place of family and slow internets. Sigh. So I thought I should read the Kink Big Bang at the very least.

Lol, looking at my last post. Such a long time ago to me. The past in the past. Very astute, that. Anywho, onto more pleasant things.


Anyway. Now onto more productive things. I now own all three seasons of Veronica Mars (yes, I am dirt poor if you must know). I was going to buy Star Trek TOS seasons 1 and 2 (I already own season 3) but THEY WEREN'T IN STOCK. DAMMIT. I'm going to have to beg and plead -silently, innocently - with my relatives who can buy it from overseas. After all if they can buy South Park for my brother, they can sure as hell buy Star Trek TOS for me. They probably like Star Trek TOS better. Bleh.

At least I own the five movies. And season 3. So I'm not completely bereft.

Randomly I sent a text to one of my high school friends - used to be my best friend - and now we have most of our holiday planned out, filled with The X Files and Ouran High School Host Club. And other TV stuff as well, but those are the most important, lol. She also got me interested in this singer called Vienna Teng. Two of her songs, Unwritten Letter #1 and Eric's Song have birthed angsty plot bunnies which threaten to overrun my room - it being empty this is not much of a problem, but still annoying.
Anyway, I should actually get to carrying out my plan for the evening. In the meantime, I leave you with this: -

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Real Life Shit



The only reason I will go on there now is to answer other people's comments and hit Faye with a metaphorical pillow. Yeah.

(The picture's not from the episode but MEH. IT IS ENOUGH)


*cough* That is all

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Spoilers - Do I Like Them?

Really, I don't know. I used to like them, because, well, I had to get used to them (living in a completely different country from where most - okay, all - of my favourite shows are aired first). Plus patience is not really one of my virtues.

But when hearing the 'latest' (seriously, I swear I've heard it before) spoiler for Heroes, I'm justing hating on spoilers. Urgh...just...if one of the characters died - NO MATTER WHO - I would very sad. It used to be that Sylar was the only reason I watched Heroes, but now I realise that I love everyone. WHAT IS MY PROBLEM?

My brother's (probable) response to this spoiler: Peter. He's emo. He's an idiot. He should just crawl into a corner and die.

Now this has provoked many a laugh from me and my sister because Luke can be seriously sarcastically funny when he wants to be, but I'm not sure I want him to die just yet. Unless it was in a truly spectacular save-the-world kind of way. But even then.

My sister's (probable) response: I CAN'T CHOOSE.

I HEAR YOU. I have this feeling that she will also like Claire in volume 5 (and since Claire was the one she chose when I told her this rumour LAST volume) so...she'll probably be thinking the same thing as me (feel free to deny this, if you're reading this).

Okay. Reasons why I don't want anyone of them to die.
Matt: THIS IS NOT JUST BECAUSE HE'S PLAYED BY GREG GRUNBERG. Out of all of the characters, he's the most normal. Just an ordinary guy. Plus he's A MIND READER, and I've always had a weakness for them, okay? So, no.
Mohinder: WHERE IS HE? I have never particularly liked him (and did not see why other people do) but then volume 4 came along and WHAM. I actually liked him. Obviously I was the only one. So, no.
Sylar: I HAVE SEEN SO MANY PEOPLE HATE ON HIM. It's probably just me, but could someone please explain why? Is it because he's suddenly not the boogeyman, the guy in the baseball cap, creeping through the shadows? Or is it because people get obsessed with him, and this really puts people off? Why? I don't understand. Please, someone explain it to me.
I don't want him to die. I don't think I'd cry (unless the deaths scene was REALLY well done, and knowing ZQ, it probably will be) but it would be a possibility.
But if it is him I'd like him to go in a mighty save-the-world kind of way. Just saying.
...although I wouldn't put it past them...
Hiro: He's the best possibility, what with the brain tumour and all. I would be sad to see him go. He's the happy character, the one who actually likes his powers. WE MUST HAVE THE HAPPY.

Also, to all those people out there. You probably don't know who you are, but my sister and I loved Ando way before the news of his death in that Five Years Gone episode. BECAUSE, THAT LINE. "We're not special, we're Japanese." I MEAN, OMG. How could you not love him after that? Especially since the Japanese are pretty darn special. What with all that technological stuff they do.

Of course there are the minor characters. But I certainly don't want them to die.

I get far too obsessed with this stuff. Maybe I should just talk about something else.

Brian Dietzen. He's the actor who plays Jimmy Palmer in NCIS. He's married, and has a daughter and son. Lol, the cool things wikipedia tells you.

Yeah, that didn't last long. Oh well.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

It's Oficial

I have a girlcrush. I know. Kinda weird. But somehow Claire has grown on me. Not like David Tennant, or Tracy, with their friendly fungus type ness. But somehow...different. I think she's really pretty (which, okay, I did before but meh) and, well, yeah. She's turning out to be my new favourite character this season (never of course topping Sylar, because he'll always be top of the list).

Claire is certainly not as annoying as PETER. OHMYGODS. YOU ARE AN IDIOT!

And I'm not actually talking about the sudden acceptance and excitement over finding out your "brother" has multiple powers. That, I can understand.



And yet I still prefer Peter/Sylar to Sylar/Claire. Hmm. Interesting. I like Sylar/Claire friendship, but not a romantic relationship. That would be too creepy. Plus, I have to admit that Sylar is a creepy serial killer, etc, etc and so I don't think Claire would ever even consider him as a potential boyfriend/husband/lifemate. Just...*shudder* she's too smart for that, thank you very much.

Peter, as I have mentioned before, is an idiot. So he's fair game. Plus, you know, two hot guys together...can't go wrong with that :)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Guilt, It's A Killer, Man

I don't know why but this is really the place where I can just post my thoughts. It's weird. I don't know why but I can't really do that over in livejournal. Sigh. Urgh.




I sort of want to write the Alex/Monica and Sandra/Janice chapters of the Unsure fic.
Maybe I'll do that tomorrow. Hmm. I have time between classes, I guess.

I have this new idea for an ongoing fic (which means it will probably never be written) where Claire wakes up in a desert, naked. Then it goes to three days ago, when Peter comes to her and tells her that Sylar disappeared right in front of him. Alex rings her and tells her the same thing happened to Monica (yes, Alex/Monica might be a new favourite het pairing of mine). While she's on the phone however, Peter disappears. Okay, so it's a little like the Rapture, I believe it's called, but not. They've actually been transported to other dimensions.

-Sylar has become Lex Luthor, although he's called Gabriel Gray (funny how both their fathers were played by the same actor)
-Peter becomes Clark Kent, except he's called Peter Petrelli still, Arthur resembles Jonathan Kent, Angela resembles Martha
-They meet up and continue their relationship; however to everyone else it's quite scandalous. Elle (aka Lana) is shocked, and a little miffed that they're not fighting over her anymore

-Claire is John Shepard (Lt. Colonel Bennet), trapped on an unknown planet, she has to find the nearest stargate and transport home. Elle is Elizabeth Weir. Gretchen might very well be Dr. McKay (Dr. Burg).
-Alex is Angel, with Noah as Doyle and Tracy as Cordelia; together they make Angel Investigations.
-Monica, I don't know. Tough one.

I also want to actually write my Peter's Disappearances/Lyle's League of Superheroes/Peter Knows That Nathan Isn't Nathan fic. This new volume has given me so much ammunition. Peter's avoidance of his brother, despite the declaration of love at the end of the last volume; his easy acceptance of the sudden influx of powers to flying Nathan; the pause before he answered Samuel's question about whether he'd ever lost a brother. Yeah, okay, not much. But they spoke volumes.

New pairings I find sorta intriguing:
Samson/Arthur - I know, I was shocked too, but I like it as a sort of past-relationship, and also an explanation towards why they turned out the way they did
Alex/Monica - I thank James' like of the guy who plays Alex for this pairing. It would never have occurred to me otherwise. But now that it has, I see a lot of potential
Sandra/Janice - the wives, the powerless wives, oh what they'd get up to while their husbands were off doing who-knows-what. Sweet, really, I'd like to see it

I don't know why but I'd like to see Micah/Someonewhoisn'tMolly. Like maybe Micah/Lyle. Or Micah/Simon. Or Micah/Monty. Yeah, I know, slash but I'm getting a little sick of Mocah-oh-it's-so-cute-and-sweet and urgh. Please, gag me.

Also, I've never been a big fan, but this volume is giving me definite Peter/Noah fics. And yet I see no influx of them at the heroes_slash community over in LJ, just more Sylar/Mohinder (bleh, please get over it) and Peter/Nathan (now even I'm getting sick of these, and I really get this way).

Hmm, I've noticed a pattern. Sylar/Mohinder is the most popular Sylar pairing. Peter/Nathan is the most popular Peter pairing, with Peter/Claude being the second most favourite (probably these shippers are the ones who don't like incest). It's kinda weird.

I've also noticed that a lot of Peter fics are from the point of view of Nathan, especially when there are Peter/OCs (other characters). It's kinda annoying. I mean, I have nothing against Nathan, I actually really like him, but he's starting to become like Claire used to be. Mooching into my pairings and all. Although I have to say I prefer any Nathan pairing to Sylar/Claire or Peter/Claire (I do not see the appeal).

I wish I could write a really dark, twisted Peter/Sylar fic that completely gets their characters, takes into account all the canon, deals with the sexuality of the characters, and is completely fucked up. And yet, I know I will never write one like it. Because I'm a fan of the happy ending, and dark, twisted, fucked up fics usually don't end with a less cheesy version of "happily ever after." Sigh.

Well, I think I've discussed everything that's been bugging me. It's strange how none of my other favourite shows ever get this reaction off me. Urgh.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Possibly this is a rant...

Just wanted to talk about a few things.

First, I don't know why, but I sorta want a Milo/Zach fic, where they've been secretly dating throughout Heroes and Star Trek, and all the relationships that are really obvious (Milo/Adrian, Chris/Zach) were just decoys *sigh* I know, no one will ever write it, and I'm a bit scared to write it myself. Not because it's RPF or anything, just...well...I think I'd probably ruin it *sigh*

They are so adorable, don't you think?

Second, I'm stuck on my fic!baby. I haven't written much in awhile, and I know I'll have to go back and think about those sex scenes because I don't think I did them well at all...*sigh* Anyways, the fic!baby is stuck. Sylar kicks Peter out and I want him to wallow, and then possibly Claire comes to try and intervene (doesn't work, she doesn't even realise why he's wallowing). So he decides, after a drunken conversation with Mohinder, to go and hit on chicks/guys in a bar. He goes to a local bar, is crap at picking up chicks/guys because he always ends up talking about Peter.

After a wallow (in which he thinks about his names) he meets a stranger at the bar, who calls himself Erik (it's Claude, calling himself after a Claude Rains character), and they get talking. Eventually Erik tells him about this guy who he likes, but that the guy was always "Sylar this, Sylar that." Sylar realises that Peter does love him, goes to his apartment and tries to play his iPod really loud outside his window, just like John Cusack's character in Say Anything. Peter doesn't hear him because a) it's an iPod, not a big ass radio, b) he's drunk, and c) Peter isn't even there because he's gone over to Emma's to have a big cry. So Sylar goes home and wallows, maybe watches a few depressing movies. Like Moulin Rouge.

Things continue like this for a few weeks (I might add a Luke intervention, and a Lyle one as well), neither speaking to the other, until Claire returns from college, due to it being vacation time. She hosts a party. Peter and Sylar both come. Peter, nervous, goes over and talks to the band who reluctantly let him have the microphone (everyone knows of Peter's bad voice). He sings 'Two Is Better Than One" (or "Brown Eyes"), while gazing at Sylar, who joins him at the end. There is kissing.

Claire is surprised, but quickly aclimatises herself to the situation. Lyle laughs at her, she smiles sweetly and introduces him to Luke. They hit it off. Lyle, to get Claire back for daring to matchmake him, brings Zach over from the buffet. There is sparkage.

Other than that, I don't really know. I need to reference other romcoms *sigh* But I've got the general gist of it down now. Phew. Maybe I'll write some tomorrow.

Third, I'm writing the Heroes chapter for someone on, completetherainbow. I have the general outline for it (Peter and Sylar are in a relationship, Sylar cheats constantly, Ella (the OC) comes along and Sylar is fascinated by her (gifts and mysteriousness). There are het sexytimes (I know! How could I?). However once Ella realises that Sylar loves only Peter, she sets him up by singing the song "Tell Him." There are boykisses (woo). However, Peter (who has seemed quite stable up til now) is VERY jealous and kidnaps her, basically ending up yelling at her and threatening her. Sylar "happens" upon them, and is impressed by Peter's possessiveness. He tells Ella that she's boring, pathetic, unloveable (channelling much?). Despite that he tries to take her power. Which is when the Doctor appears, to save her. Sylar shrugs, and there are slash sexytimes back at their apartment). Woo. Now I just have to write that.

Fourth, my fifth part to the Surviving the Apocalyse fanfic I have going with Clare from I have to write a speech telling my people about the magical bean bags I gathered to protect them from the coming apocalyse, show Clare the Peter/Sylar closet tapes, and possibly bring Claire into it, who will be delivering a message from her grandmother, Angela. She and the Gwen Club may have a tea party. Gretchen might appear.

Fifth, I am now officially a Claire/Gretchen shipper. Hayden wanted it, I must obey her wishes, especially if she continues not-mooshing into my ships. Good girl.
Isn't that a cute picture of her? Yes, my girlcrush on Hayden Panettiere is still going strong. Can't wait for Heroes tomorrow. Eeeee.
Sixth, I had a weird but strangely sweet (and sad) idea for a Samson/Arthur fanfic. Samson regrets nothing, not even the kiss, not even the relationship, not even the love. Yeah, sort of established relationship between Samson and Arthur, before they each got married. Sigh. And it does sort of explain how Arthur knew who Sylar was; he was Samson's son.Yeah. Hmm. Of course I had to add a little Peter/Sylar in the end, where they come to visit him (Peter's idea) and Samson is surprised to meet Arthur's son. He eventually gives them his blessing, and dies that night. Maybe not happy, but at least content. I CANNOT BELIEVE I KEEP MAKING VERY EVIL CHARACTERS LIKE THIS. I AM WEIRD. And I don't even like Arthur Petrelli. Urgh.
Eighth, well, that's about it, I think. Claire/Gretchen has got me more into femslash, I guess. Now I'm a Claire/Gretchen, Claire/Elle, Claire/Monica and Morgana/Gwen shipper as well. Which is nice. I might try my hand at writing a Claire/Gretchen fic at some point in time. Since there is a Claire/Gretchen community over on LJ.
Ninth, I'm sort of nervous about posting my fics over on LJ. I mean, some of those people are really good writers. My fics don't stand a chance against them. Urgh, I'm such a me-hater. I've been that way ever since I read my sister's fics. Sigh.
Tenth, on a better note, I'm writing a Claire-centric fic called Unsure, where she happens to walk in on certain situations involving certain het/slash ships, including Peter/Sylar, Noah/Claude, Lyle/Luke, and possibly Alex/Monica (thank you, James, and also I need to get on writing that) and Sandra/Janice (I really like this for some reason) And I know the last chapter is gonna be Claire/Gretchen so...*shrugs* I keep thinking "Lol, her whole family is gay! WOO!" I know, weird.
Anyways, I should probably get to bed. Hope I haven't completely bored you to tears with my rambling rant.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Because if you can't blog about it, where can you, eh?


*deep breath*



*deep breath*
Okay, phew, got that off my chest. Now I feel much better.

*pouts* I want some Peter/Sylar scenes, dammit.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Birthday Post

My birthday, so far = best day ever.

1. My philosophy lecture this morning. Time Travel (aka, the reason I took the class) was the subject started that very day. It was also - wait for it - Doctor Who themed! Seriously.

-Daleks on the screen at the front

-a fake TARDIS on the corner

-the lecturer dressed up as one of the previous Doctors, complete with scarf and wig

2. Everyone has been so lovely, all wishing me happy birthday. Guh, I love my friends and family!

3. Heroes volume 5 airs in the US on the date of my birthday so...*squee majorly*

4. Merlin aired yesterday. Jumping for joy, seriously.

5. I reserved Eric by Terry Pratchett and the library sent me an email today, the day after, to tell me they had it. Squee. The only TP book I haven't read. Guh.

6. Clare likes my fic!baby. I am happy.

7. I wrote the fourth part of the Apocalypse fic. Woo me.

8. It is my birthday. Nuff said.

I think I need a picture of esteemable Zachary Quinto right now.
He's wearing a blue shirt. Guh. He's just so hot. Really. Sigh. And he's smiling. I smile.
See, I smile!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Birthday and TV shows

The Tyrant's birthday is this coming Monday. Be aware that there will be no partying at her residence. She said in a public statement, "Really, I just want to relax with a couple of friends, maybe watch some movies, you know, normal stuff." Sadly it has been found that she has at least two lectures on the day. There was a moment of mourning but it has passed.

-Zach, the Assistant

P.S. Look, I'm writing this because she's busy with...other stuff. The Apocalypse, but don't tell anyone I told you, k?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Essay of Doom the Philosophy Essay I have to Do. What is the best theory for Personal Identity and why?
Second: WHO CARES?
Third: It seriously sucks. And not in a good way.


And that is all.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

...and then there was a silence like no other and she knew she was DOOMED


Ideas keep popping into my head when I should be concentrating on my fic!baby *coughandmyschoolworkcough* but I know I'm writing Claude terribly OOC and yeah there's a reason but I feel really bad about it. Poor Claude, he really shouldn't have tried to change himself. As the movie Bridget Jones' Diary has taught me, men who look like Colin Firth will love you just the way you are! Obviously Claude has never watched this movie (or read the book). Well, he's not the chick flicks obsessed one *coughSylarcough* so I guess I can understand that but...still, it does strike me as OOC for Claude to even consider changing himself...maybe I should mention that he realised Peter was the only one who hadn't betrayed him (had in fact saved his life)? Oh, I don't know. All I know is that I'm gonna be plodding through these parts and cringing whenever Claude acts OOC. Damn my stupid brain.

On a slightly less frown-worthy note, my sister's getting her laptop back today! All fixed and everything! *does Dance of Joy*

Monday, September 7, 2009


So I was reading this comment thread about when Heroes 'jumped the shark' or whatever. Now I'm the first to admit that Heroes is not exactly the most...coherent show, shall we say. It definitely has a lot of potential, and I would love to see the characters actually acting like Heroes (to date, uh, D.L. and Nicki, maybe? Monica? And where are they? Thank the gods they brought Micah back, now he's acting like a definite Hero, love him). But okay some of characters *cough* Maya, West *cough* are really WTF and I didn't really see any point to them (except that Claire needs a better friend *cough* Zach *cough* oh and that everyone likes to see some random woman sleep with a bug man).

However I love the show. Maybe it's a guilty pleasure, maybe it's the overall eye candy of the show, maybe it's because my Obsession is a part of it and hence I have to watch it, I don't know. See, if I stopped watching it, I would go into major Zachary Quinto withdrawal symptoms and die choking on the floor of my bedroom, my body to be discovered days later when my flatmates finally wonder where that smell is coming from.

I have just recently finished watching Volume 4 and cannot wait until Volume 5. I think I'm gonna like this Samuel guy (Robert Knepper, I think the actor's name is - his voice, I love it) even though you can see they're gonna make him the Big Bad (I love that he says revenge is in the cards, not justice, Go him). And Claire kisses a girl! I mean, come on, don't tell me you're not looking forward to that. In fact I think she kisses her roommate Gretchen (Madeleine Zima, FTW) so it's even better.

S1 - I started watching because of Milo Ventimiglia and stayed because of Zachary Quinto. Plus it had the added wowness of Malcolm McDowell (what is it with me and bad guy's voices?) and Christopher Eccleston (invisible hobo, FTW, and he's my favourite Doctor by far).

S2 - Kristen Bell and Dana Davis, I wish they had remained on the show *sigh* Finally characters who are heroes and interesting!villains (as in, it's not about taking over the world/etc). Adrian Pasdar's hair was wonderful as well. Oh, and David Anders! How could I forget you, you big hunk of manliness, you?

S3, P1 - Sylar. Elle. If only Arthur Petrelli hadn't killed Adam we might have seen an epic Sylar/Elle/Adam teamup which you know with actors like them would have been absofuckinglutely brillant. Sylar and Peter are brothers! Oops, no they're not! Which is yay for me since they're my Obsession and incest doesn't really do it for me. And we get the 'confused blinking' from Peter in I Am Become Death, which was adorable, admit it.

S3, P2 - the one where minor characters are the shiz. Point in case, Exposed with Sandra 'Awesomeness on a Stick' Bennet, even Lyle - who's barely in the episode - is awesome. Micah shows up with a deeper voice and the need to be a hero, love that boy. Sylar goes on a roadtrip with Dan Byrd, oops, a boy named Luke (aka the Sylar fanboy - it isn't just me who wanted to take his place, is it?). Cristine Rose was amazing in this volume, really, truly. I felt truly sorry for Sylar's uncle, Martin Gray, he seemed to have a sad life. Poor guy, should have taken little Gabriel with him. And let us not forget Wet Peter and Wet Sylar in Into Asylum.

All in all, I'm looking forward to Season 4, Volume 5 (comes on me b-day, WOO!). Maybe I'll even give you the lowdown on each ep, yeah?

My fic!baby

I'd just like to talk about my fic!baby for, uh, however long I want, bitch, this is my blog, g.
See, my fic!baby was inspired by an incredibly intense, very vivid dream I had the night I spent reading Drastically Redefining Protocol (an absofuckinglutely wonderful Merlin/Arthur AU fic) until 1am. Strangely (or not so, if you really know me) it wasn't Merlin/Arthur; instead it was *gasp* Peter/Sylar. Now, it's definitely changed since then but I'll give you the bare bones.

First off, a little background. It begins two years after Volume 4, with some added spoilers from Volume 5 (such as the character Emma). In this universe the slash relationships that MIGHT HAVE happened actually happened, such as Peter/Claude, Peter/Adam and Sylar/Mohinder (all of which are mentioned). It also references ALOT of chick flicks/romcoms. In fact it has taken on the plotline of a romcom, not unintentionally either. I'm a fan of the romcom and I will make obscure references to romcoms/chick flicks many people have never seen before. And I will use Peter and Sylar to make them. Yes, I am shameless.

So, Sylar sacrificed himself to save the world two years ago and someone brought him back from the brink of death. All the so-called 'good guys' have accepted him and helped him reintegrate himself into society. Noah and Angela even wrangled him a job at a local processing plant, as an engineer. Everything's pretty much perfect...except that a year ago he realised he was in love with one Peter Petrelli. And now his life is utterly fucked up because, in killing Nathan, he killed every chance he had with Peter. It's official, his life is shit.

Unbeknownst to him, Peter feels the same way. Ever since that Christmas night about a year ago, when Sylar sang 'Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas' and fell asleep on his lap, he's been lusting after a certain reformed serial killer. When he visits the man the morning after Sylar has been getting drunk with Mohinder (in order to get some advice about his shit life, no advice forthcoming unfortunately), he accidentally tells him he thinks of him as a brother. Taking matters into his own hands, Peter confronts Sylar at one of Claire's numerous parties and tells him how he really feels.

Sexytimes ensue, with some rather random slapstick stuff, usually because Peter is a klutz, although Sylar is a runner up. Ah well, that's love, I guess.

However when one of Peter's ex-boyfriends returns, trouble ensues and an obstacle is placed in the middle of our boys' pathway. Expect drunk encounters in bars, Sylar's efforts to pick up strangers, Lyle's bad flirting, an appearance by Luke, Peter singing a song, maybe a Say Anything scene with the radio and much more.

Will it end well? Have you been reading any of this? I'm a sucker for happy endings, possibly why I'm a fan of the romantic comedy. Feel good fun.

And now I'll leave you with a picture of the lovely men :)
Doesn't it look exactly like he's checking him out? Guh, the love.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Wow Police

Definitely gonna have the Wow Police. They will search out the Wow and bring it to me. And then I will have the Wow, and no one else! MWAHAHAHA!

Uh, anyway. Again I haven't done much over here for awhile. Oh wells. Now, what's new?

1. Zachary Quinto. Is still as hot as ever. I mean, seriously. Now, I'm not gonna be one of those girls who shout "Will you marry me, [insert name here]?!" but it would be nice to meet him. You know, to say, "Hey, you're cool. Wanna hang?" Well, probably not that but, you know, something to that effect. Plus he's friends with Kristen Bell. Gotta give the boy points for that.

2. The character Rachel Young on Eleventh Hour. Definitely one of my favourite female characters at the mo. She gets to hit people. When slimy frat boys come on to her, she gets to assault them. What's not to love?

3. Peter/Sylar is my OTP. If there was an acronym for the most-obsessed-with-pairing-seriously-can't-think-of-these-characters-with-anyone-else (MOWPSCTOTCWAE? Nah, maybe just OTPF? One True Pairing Forever?). I've started writing a romcom-esque fic for them. This way I can combine my love of romantic comedies with Pylar and its beautiful strangeness. Set about two years after Volume 4, in an alternate universe where couples that MIGHT HAVE BEEN actually happened (Sylar/Mohinder, Peter/Claude) and where Sylar sacrificed himself to save the world thus becoming a reformed ex-serial killer when someone brought him back. Yeah, I call it my fic!baby for a reason. It's probably gonna take a while to write but I will persevere! Already have three interested readers so :) :) :)

4. I have only six more weeks (and some exams) and then I will have finished an ENTIRE FREAKING YEAR of university. Wow, so proud right now.

5. Amy Adams. In my head one day I once called her my female Zachary Quinto. Not because they look alike or anything (far from it) but because I'd watch any movie with Amy Adams in it just as I would with ZQ. I'm talking about horror movies and crappy movies, people. Not that these lovely people would ever make the latter. Like Christopher Eccleston before them, any movie with them in it would be made of win. Just because of their presence.

6. Pansy Division. Seriously, I love these guys.

That is all, I think. Hmmm.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I Fall In Love...

No one even noticed I was gone, did they? Oh, well. Whatever.

A lot has happened since I last posted. I watched the entire season of Merlin, fell in love with Merthur, now have Merthur friends to obsess with. Pylar (Peter/Sylar) has become major obsession with me - I can't stop writing fanfic for them! It's like a disease! The Pylar Disease! More attractive than swine flu, I suppose.

Anyway, a friend and I have also been watching (rewatching for me) Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel. Now that I watch it again, my slash tinted eyeballs (yes, my slash tinted glasses melted into my eyeballs) see all sorts of slash. Such as Riley/Forrest (a very very rare slash pairing, and yet it is so OBVIOUS), Spike/Xander (they shared a look! When a girl said, 'Have you all slept with each other?' or something to that effect), Buffy/Willow (oh please, it is so there), Buffy/Faith (damn straight. Some of it ain't even subtext), Willow/Fred (the latter so excited! And this is during Willow/Kennedy so I love it!), Angel/Lindsey (yes, I am a self-professed foe yay supporter), Wesley/Gunn (Wunn is such a cute name!), Wesley/Angel (I see it! I didn't see it before but now...).

I also watched Black Books, starring Dylan Moran (that sort-of-wet guy in Hot Fuzz). He plays this drunk Irish bastard. He has this long haired, bearded guy called Manny as an assistant who he bosses around. I support them as a couple because, well, they just act like they're married!

My brother now owns all the seasons of The X Files. If only he wasn't miles away, damn him. Still a Mulder/Scully fan although I do see other couples. Some of them make my eye twitch.

Also: Christian Kane. Played Lindsey MacDonald on Angel. He is hot. And can sing and play the guitar. I have two of his songs. He has such a beautiful voice! Very country, of course :) But still amazingly awesome.

Now: imagine the Heroes dancing around to 'It's Okay To Be Gay.' I dare you. I know I am.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

On a more positive note...Merlin!!!

Okay, after that rather negative post, I've decided to go in a more positive direction, that is...


Fast becoming my favourite show (almost-but-not-quite ursurping Heroes). becoming my favourite couple (but will never ursurp my all-time favourite couple, PYLAR).

I have watched every episode up to Episode 11. Only two more to go!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Hate the Fandom

Usually I do not hate many characters but there have been four that have got under my skin, especially the last one (mostlt because I spent the last hour trying, without success, to find someone who hated her as much as I did). Anyway, here they are:

Arthur Petrelli (played by Robert Forster): God, where do I start? First of all he is THE WORST villain ever to grace our screens (and that includes that crappy eye thing - Sauron was it? - in Lord of the Rings). First he killed Adam, then took Peter's power, then turned Nathan against everyone, then took Hiro's power. On top of those very important things he also made Claire important with the catalyst and everything. Does she need anymore attention? Also, did I mention that I hate him? Well, there you go. Oh, I almost forgot. He MANIPULATED Sylar. You just don't DO that.

Lauren Reed (played by Melissa George): A grade A bitch. She steals Vaughn from Sydney but seems sort-of-kind-of-almost nice then she turns out to be a bad guy and is only using Vaughn for her own ends! Not only that but also she ruins nearly every potential Sydney and Vaughn scene by being his wife! Plus she - not to be petty or anything - does not suit being a blonde especially with those dark catepillar eyebrows. Urgh!

Claire Bennet (played by Hayden Panetierre): Blonde cheerleader who is ALWAYS the centre of attention. What's not to hate? Plus she whines! Why? Because she wants to be normal! When so many people wish they were special!

and last but definitely not least...

Kahlan Amnell (played by Bridget Regan): I hate this girl! They're trying to make her seem all fiesty and stuff but she's just annoying! No respectable girl would wear dresses like that if she were fighting! There'd get in the way for sure! God! And if she was really in love with Richard she wold have known that Griff was impersonating him. After all the Doctor knew that a clone was impersonating Martha and he's not even in love with her! God!

Now that that rant is out of the way...phew...

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Merlin...with a smidge of Merlin/Arthur...also Firefly

Okay, I seriously love this show...and I've only seen two episodes! They screened over here last Sunday as a feature length film...which meant I had to tape them because I was not going to miss Bones, not for nothing. But am I glad that I did. Wonderful show! And there is such a chemistry between the two leads, Merlin (played by Colin Morgan, Jethro from the Doctor Who episode Midnight) and Arthur (Bradley James). I so support them...although this could be that I can't look at a show without wearing slash-tinted glasses. Hehe. No wonder by all-time favourite ship is Pylar.

Another show I have seriously fallen in love with is Firefly. Joss Whedon is the coolest. I mean, cowboys in space. That is just too cool. Plus it has Nathan Fillion (who I last saw as Caleb the weird priest who was the First's bitch) who is the coolest cowboy eever! I don't know why but I support two couples now: Mal/Simon - it just has so many, well, actually I just like it. Damn you, slash tinted glasses! Oh, I still love you of course. And also: Jayne/River. I do not know why. It just struck me as a good pairing.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


People/Characters I am obsessed with:
Sylar/Gabriel Gray
Zachary Quinto
David Anders
Julian Sark
Adam Monroe/Takezo Kensei
Adrian Pasdar
Nathan Petrelli
Milo Ventimiglia
Peter Petrelli
Lois Lane
Christopher Eccleston
The Doctor
James Marsters
Alyson Hannigan
Sarah Michelle Gellar
Damian Lewis
Lyle Bennet
Monica Dawson
Jackie Wilcox

Shows I'm obsessed with:
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Gilmore Girls
Lois & Clark: the New Adventures of Superman
True Blood
Criminal Minds
The Legend of the Seeker

Things I am obsessed with:
Chocolate brownies
Writing fanfictions
Reading fanfictions

And that's me. I may have forgotten one or two...

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

One Week: The Pylar Song

This song epitomises the Pylar relationship, at least to my way of thinking. So here it is (oh, and I don't own the lyrics):

It’s been one week since you looked at me
cocked your head to the side and said I’m angry.
Five days since you laughed at me
Saying get that together come back and see me.
Three days since the living room
I realized it’s all my fault, but couldn’t tell you
Yesterday you’d forgiven me
But it’ll still be two days till I say I’m sorry

Hold it now and watch the hoodwink
As I make you stop, think
You’ll think you’re looking at aquaman
I summon fish to the dish, although I like the chalet Swiss
I like the sushi cause it’s never touched a frying pan
Hot like wasabi when I bust rhymes
Big like Leann rimes
Because I’m all about value
Bert kaempferts got the mad hits
You try to match wits
You try to hold me but I burst through
Gonna make a break and take a fake
I'd like a stinking aching shake
I like vanilla, it’s the finest of the flavors
Gotta see the show, cause then you’ll know
The vertigo is gonna grow
Cause it’s so dangerous, you’ll have to sign a waiver

How can I help it if I think you’re funny when you’re mad
Trying hard not to smile though I feel bad
I’m the kind of guy who laughs at a funeral
Cant understand what I mean? Well, you soon will
I have a tendency to wear my mind on my sleeve
I have a history of taking off my shirt

It's been one week since you looked at me
Threw your arms in the air and said you’re crazy
Five days since you tackled me
I’ve still got the rug burns on both my knees
Its been three days since the afternoon
You realized it’s not my fault not a moment too soon
Yesterday you’d forgiven me
And now I sit back and wait till you say you’re sorry

Chickity china the Chinese chicken
You have a drumstick and your brain stops ticking
Watching x-files with no lights on, we're dans la maison
I hope the smoking man's in this one
Like Harrison Ford I’m getting frantic
Like Sting I’m tantric
Like snickers, guaranteed to satisfy
Like kurasawa I make mad films
Okay I don’t make films
But if I did they’d have a samurai
Gonna get a set of better clubs
Gonna find the kind with tiny nubs just so my
Irons aren’t always flying off the back-swing
Gotta get in tune with sailor moon
Cause that cartoon has got the boom anime babes
That make me think the wrong thing

How can I help it if I think you’re funny when you’re mad
Trying hard not to smile though I feel bad
I’m the kind of guy who laughs at a funeral
Cant understand what I mean? you soon will
I have a tendency to wear my mind on my sleeve
I have a history of losing my shirt

It's been one week since you looked at me
Dropped your arms to your sides and said I’m sorry
Five days since I laughed at you
And said you just did just what I thought you were gonna do
Three days since the living room
We realized were both to blame, but what could we do?
Yesterday you just smiled at me
Cause it’ll still be two days till we say we’re sorry
It’ll still be two days till we say we’re sorry
It’ll still be two days till we say we’re sorry

Isn't it the perfect song for them? :-)

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Zachary Quinto and David Anders

They are just the most handsome guys I have ever seen...and such nice people too. *sigh*

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Lyle's League of Superheroes

Since I've always had a soft spot for the forgotten/small characters on Heroes I decided to give them their own place to go, which I called Lyle's League of Superheroes. These characters have gotten through the angst that seems to inhibit the more major characters on the show. Here they are in all their glory:

Lyle Bennet (played by Randall Bentley): Although he is supposedly the Bennet's biological son he is ignored for the more 'special' Claire. But what if he did somethingh about it? Like, I don't know, created a league of superheroes made up of people who were feeling like he was? And maybe he could develop a power along the way? Hmmm...

Monica Dawson (played by Dana Davis): basically the only female character (aside from Elle) I did not hate on the show. And she could kick some serious ass. So why did she suddenly disappear? Well, my opinion is that she joined Lyle's league because she got tired of waiting for things to happen. Hmmm...

Zack (played by Thomas Dekker): although we don't even know his last name (!) he also has some major plotholes in his storyline. Like where is he exactly? Well, he becomes Resurrection Man, able to resurrect people from the dead. He also joins Lyle's league because he got tired of waiting around for Claire to show up. Hmmm...

Claude Rains (?) (played by Christopher Eccleston): although we don't actually know his real name (!) he is one of the most interesting characters in the show. Plus he can become invisible - how cool is that? In my fanfics I usually refer to him as Greg or Chris. I don't know why, those names just seem to suit him. He joined the league because he got fed up with those major characters tripping around and messing everything up - Lyle's league helps clean up those messes as well as stopping some of them from happening. Hmmm...

Jackie Wilcox (played by Danielle Savre): although it appears that she is killed by Sylar, who mistook her for Claire, she in fact lives, due in part to Zack's timely rescue. She develops powers of her own, very mysterious ones at that. Zack introduces her to the league and she agrees to join. Hmmm...

Kimiko Nakamura (played Saemi Nakamura): yet another strong female character who is near forgotten - why is Hiro running his father's company when it looked like she was the more interested in that sort of thing? My explaination: she joined the league and so disappeared. Hmmm...

Micah Sanders (played by Noah Gray-Cabey): yes, I know he's in it again, as Rebel, but wouldn't it be cool if Rebel was just an arm of the league? *sigh* Yeah, I know, never going to happen. But a girl can dream, can't she?

Elle Bishop (played by Kristen Bell): Zack found Elle's burnt body on the beach and resurrected her. Now she works for the league where she has slowly gained a new belief in herself through the friendships of the people around her.

Adam Monroe/Takezo Kensei (played by David Anders): although Arthur supposedly kills Adam and takes his powers this was a clever decoy, made by the league so they could capture Adam and get him on their side. Thus the reason Arthur succumbed to the bullet - power only lasted for a limited amount of time. Heh. Adam now works for the league. Hmmm...

And that's Lyle's League of Superheroes. Lyle, Monica, Zack, Claude, Jackie, Kimiko, Micah, Elle and Adam. I know, it seems small but those are only it's American members (well, except for Kimiko, who is the leader of the Japanese members of the league). And guess what? Caitlin (played by Katie Carr) is one of their Irish members!

Do you want to be a member of the league? And you don't even have to have powers to be a member! Yay!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Alias, Princesses and Others

I have finally finished watching the entire five seasons of Alias. Phew! Was that a task! Well, no actually it wasn't. In fact it was quite enjoyable. And now I have another TV show to sigh over. Not that I needed another one but still. It never hurt.

Alias couples I now support:
Sydney/Vaughn: because they MEANT TO BE. Yes, with capitals. Sydney with anyone else is possible (she seems to go with everyone) but just not meant to be. Only with Vaughn is it right. Since they're soulmates and all.

Will/Francie: because they weren't awkward after their first kiss; usually couples are, especially when they're friends and it was a spontaneous kiss. Why, oh why, did she have to die? Hey, that rhymed! But still: why??

Julian Sark/OC: because that OC will be a self-insert. Yeah, that's right. And although the OC will not make him completely good - as in Vaughn good - it will make him a better person. Yeah!

Those are just the couples I support. I will basically read anything. I even once read a Claire/HRG fanfic. It was weird. And then I read another one and another one and those two were actually pretty good.

Okay, next topic: Princesses. I have recently begun reading the Princess Diaries by Meg Cabot. I love Meg Cabot books, especially the Size series and the Boy series. Simply love them.

But Mia can be a little weird sometimes. She finally has Michael - who is seriously the most supportive and understanding boy in the ENTIRE world - and yet in every book she thinks he's going to either a) break up with her b) meet someone more interesting/beautiful/intelligent or c)all of the above.

And that's all I have to say on that one. They are good books, overall.

Um. GREG GRUNBERG = AWESOME. YAY!!!! know Jennifer Garner can sing? Cool, huh?

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Lauren Reed is a bitch

Lauren Reed is a bitch. Why Vaughn didn't shout 'DIE, BITCH DIE!!!' while shooting her is beyond me.

And that's about it...oh, wait.

Julian Sark. Facts:
-appears to be turned on by dangerous women
-likes to have sex in weird places
-cracks under pressure
-is interested in money
-has absolutely beautiful blonde hair. Yum, yum.
-his baby blues aren't so bad either. Adorable, they are.

Lauren is dead! Yay! Celebrate!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Fangirl Ramblings 2...and some Procrastination...

Hey, welcome to Fangirl Ramblings 2! Lovely to see you again, nice tie by the way, and...oh, but you want to get on with it...of course, right this way...

Gabriel Gray/Sylar: A quiet, unassuming watchmaker who one day discovers he has a gift - the gift to totally rock my world! He is fantastic - how does he make me love him so? After all, he is a serial killer...and yet, I can't help loving him. He is so wonderful...and so very very HOT. Yeah, that's how hot. Heh.

Eric Weiss: One of Sydney's friends at the C.I.A, Eric Weiss is the best friend you'll always want and usually never find. Sydney and Vaughn were lucky...but sometimes I get the feeling that they don't appreciate him. He is a good guy...he was even the reason - or part of the reason - Sydney and Vaughn got together in the first place. And he can do magic tricks - cool, huh?

And now for some Procrastination! I should be doing my chronology for my HIST117 tutorial but...obviously I'm not. *sigh* And the Procrastination continues next Fangirl Ramblings 3!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Fangirl ramblings

I am a fangirl and so am allowed, by the very nature of the fangirl, to ramble about such characters as Adam Monroe/Julian Sark, Nathan Petrelli, Peter Petrelli, Michael Vaughn, Will Tippen and so many many more.

Adam Monroe: He wanted to be the world's hero...albeit in a twisted I'm-going-kill-alot-of-people way. Definitely hot with lovely blue eyes...and thinking about him shirtless makes me drool...

Julian Sark: Interested in only money and the survival of his own personal self, Julian is one of the bad guys I actually like because he's not interested in power only in getting paid...which is so totally mercenary and hence slightly cool. Okay, he has no morals but at least he makes no pretenses. And he has lovely blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes...what's not to like?

Nathan Petrelli: He made me love him in HTSAEM when he flew Peter away from the city in order to save New York. Then he stuck that knife in by having the most amazing haircut in the next season. My heart...was his. And even though he went through a faze of being sort of bad (due all to his father, the evil, in more ways than one, Arthur Petrelli) he looked good in the jungle and in his pyjamas. And seems to be sort of good now.

Peter Petrelli: Nathan's younger, more naive brother, Peter is now an ex-hospice nurse. That's right, he took care of dying people. Was he happy? We'll never know because he quit to pursue a career as a hero. Wonder how that paycheck is like. For all his stupidity and gullibility and even some incestial thoughts towards a certain ex-cheerleader he is very cute. And okay sometimes he's a nice guy - although sometimes with bad taste in women (Yeah, Simone, Niki and Claire, I'm talking to YOU).

Michael Vaughn: He is Sydney's hot handler in Alias. You can tell he cares for Sydney, and that she acres for him, but no, they can't break the rules. No way can they do that. Nevertheless Vaughn is, well, cute and adorable and has very expressive eyes...and nice hair as well. Yummy...

Okay, I'm about to watch Alias so I'll contiue this another Fangirl Ramblings 2: The Other Ones...Dum! Dum! Dum!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

My, My, My

I'm just really babbling here. Oh, wait, here is a picture of David Anders. Isn't he just the most adorable guy you've ever seen?
I don't usually go for blondes (which I think I've already stated) but oh dear *fans herself* I would dearly love to go for him.
And that is my fangirl ramblings on David Anders. Who is cool. Which is why it is very hard to understand why he doesn't have a girlfriend.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Grunny, Absolon and Others

Love the Fandom is all about appreciating actors, characters and shows. So in this post I will appreciate the wonderousness that is Greg Grunberg, a.k.a. Grunny. He is AWESOME and so very funny. He seems to be slightly nuts too. But in a good way. Check out buckshotwon's videos featuring 'Grunny.' They are hilarious.

Absolon. The parish clerk in Chaucer's 'The Miller's Tale' who wants Alison for himself. When Chaucer desribes him as a womaniser and as a blonde, I immedaitely thought of David Anders/Adam Monroe/Julian Sark and the tribute video someone did of Sark on youtube to the song 'Womaniser.' Now I know that whenever someone talks about Absolon in my English Lit class I will forever think of David 'Mr. Adorable' Anders. Which is always a good thing.

I think that's partly the reason I like his character. Add to that the fact that he shoved what is basically a very sharp instrument up that know-it-all Nicholas' arse and you've got a very good likeable character.

Now a show I could appreciate. about Alias? It is, for all its wacked-oput storylines about Milo Rambaldi and his prophesies, a completely wonderful show. I have always liked Jennifer Garner and Alias just made me even more of a fan. Add to that mix the adorable Michael Vartan, the cute Bradley Cooper, the funny/sweet Kevin Weisman and the coolness that is David Anders and you've got the perfect show. Greg Grunberg being a guest star is one of the many secret ingredients.

Top Ten Hottest Guys

1. Zachary Quinto

I mean, seriously. This guy plays a serial killer in Heroes and yet you can't help but love him. He is wonderful. And has some of the best lines.

2. David Anders

The only blonde guy I find attractive. He has the most beautiful hair and the most intense blue eyes I have ever seen. Be still my heart.

3. Milo Ventimiglia

Simply a very HOT guy.

4. Adrian Pasdar

I loved his hair in season 2. And loved his character. And then I saw him in the jungle in season 3 and my heart spasmed. So hot.

5. Josh Lucas

I just loved this guy in Sweet Home Alabama. He was so sweet and cute. :) Hey, I think he's blonde too. Go figure.

6. James Roday

Psych and Miss Match actor. I love him. And he's very funny.

7. James Stewart

Even though he's, like, dead I still find my heart beating extra fast when watching him in The Philadelphia Story, Mr. Smith Goes To Washington and It's A Wonderful Life.

8. James Marsters

Spike. Also guest starred on Torchwood and Smallville. I just love his accent as Spike. His actual accent isn't bad either. And he's HOT.

9. Michael Vartan

I recently got into Alias and, my god, this guy has the most expressive eyes I have ever seen. And he's hot to boot.

10. Denzel Washington

He's is one the hottest guys who have ever lived so he has to be on my list. :)
And that's my take on the Top Ten Hottest Guys List. Maybe I should do a Top Ten Hottest Girls List. Maybe...

Friday, March 13, 2009

Actors I Adore

VeroiAnother list...yeah.

Actors I Adore:
David Anders (Adam Monroe/Takezo Kensei from Heroes and Julian Sark from Alias)
Milo Ventimiglia (Peter Petrelli from Heroes and Jess Mariano from Gilmore Girls)
Adrian Pasdar (Nathan Petrelli from Heroes)
Michael Vartan (Michael Vaughn from Alias)
Seth Green
Thomas Dekker (Zack from Heroes)
Greg Grunberg (Matt Parkman from Heroes, Weiss from Alias and creator of Band From TV)

Okay, I can't think of any at the moment. I'll be sure to get back to you on that one.

Actresses I Adore:
Erica Durance (Lois Lane from Smallville)
Alyson Hannigan (Willow Rosenberg from Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Kristen Bell (Elle Bishop from Heroes and Veronica Mars from Veronica Mars)

And , yeah that's about it for them


So...I'm pylarjunkie. You may be wondering about my username...or you may not. If you are, then I'm pylarjunkie because I may a major fan of the Heroes pairing of Peter/Sylar, otherwise known as Pylar. Cool, huh?

I am seriously into TV. However there are not many people who share my love. At least in the university I'm studying at. I wish there was a class about TV shows. It would make my life so much easier.

Okay, TV shows I love:
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Criminal Minds
Gilmore Girls
Doctor Who
Robin Hood
Alias (my new love)

Couples I support:
Sylar/Elle (Syelle), Claire/Zack (Clack), Peter/Sylar (Pylar) = Heroes
Brennan/Booth, Angela/Jack = Bones
House/Cuddy (Huddy) = House
Buffy/Spike (Spuffy) = Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Clark/Lois (Clois), Chloe/Bart (Chlart) = Smallville
Hotchner/Prentiss, Morgan/Garcia = Criminal Minds
Tony/Ziva (Tiva) = NCIS
Luke/Lorelai (JavaJunkie), Rory/Jess (Literati) = Gilmore Girls
Jack/Gwen, Toshiko/Owen = Torchwood
Sydney/Vaughn = Alias

See how obsessed I am? No wonder there isn't anyone with my fondness of TV. Well, there are some but yeah.